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Naati : NAATI CCL (Credentialed Community Language) Test: NAATI offers the CCL test, which is designed to assess the language skills of individuals who wish to work as interpreters in specific community languages in Australia, including Bengali (Bangla).

The CCL test will require the candidate to interpret two pre-recorded conversations, known as dialogues, between two people: a native English speaker and a Bangla speaker of the language other than English (LOTE). Dialogue Conversation will be between Bengali speaker and the English Speaker. Candidate must interpret their conversation simultaneously in alternative language which will be recorded.

Each dialogue will be break into small segment to divide into each dialogue. Each dialogue will be approximately 280-300words ( 2-3 min audio recording). Students needs to listen the record conversation and verbally interpret them once the dialogue stops which will be recorded.

NAATI Pass Score: Each dialogue is worth 45 marks (90 marks in total). To pass the CCL test, you must achieve a score of 63 or more, and at least 29 marks in each dialogue. NAATI assess CCL tests using a mark deduction method. This means that each test begins with 90 marks, and marks are taken off if the candidate makes errors during their test. Each error will result in a different number of marks being taken off, depending on how much it impacts on the overall communication.

Repeat policy : If a candidate do not understand a segment and need to repeat it, press Finish attempt then press the Start button again. The whole segment will replay. You can only repeat one segment per dialogue without penalty. If you repeat more than one segment per dialogue, marks will be deducted from your score.

Candidates should pay particular attention to:

Language quality competency in both English and the other language being assessed Language register matching the formality of the speaker when you transfer the meaning of what they say to the other person Excessive repeats only one repeated segment per dialogue is allowed without penalty Marks are deducted for the following types of errors:

Accuracy how correct the information is, not removing or adding any information, and not more than one repeated segment per dialogue Quality of language using good sentence structure, natural use of the language and pronunciation, the right level of formality, not making many grammatical errors Quality of delivery no excessive pauses, hesitations or self-corrections